
Psychotherapy can be helpful in a multitude of difficult situations.

Whether you suffer from anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, psychosomatic symptoms, eating disorders, personality disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders, any type of recurring problems in relationships with other people, or other psychological symptoms that impair your day-to-day life; or whether you need assistance in a crisis or in coping with a stressful life event.

If you find yourself in need of help for any of the above reasons and think you would be more comfortable talking about it in English (either because it is your native language, or because you feel more fluent in English than in German), you can contact me and I would be happy to hold sessions in English.

I am a clinical psychologist with a degree in psychodynamic psychotherapy, which stems from classical psychoanalysis but also contains elements of client-centered therapy. I offer individual and group sessions (the latter depending on the demand).

If you have public or private health insurance with a German provider, the treatment will be covered by their regular health plan, alternatively my private fees are based on the GOP (“Gebührenordnung für Psychologen”), which you can find online. Individual arrangements are sometimes possible.

Feel free to contact me via email or telephone if you have any questions.

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